Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lab 3 Assignment

View 2012 Spain/Morocco/England Trip in a larger map

This is a map of my summer trip to Morocco, Spain, and London. I started in L.A., took a plane to Casablanca, drove to Marrakech, flew to Marbella, drove to Barcelona, flew to London, then flew back to L.A. The map includes the location of a hike I took by Marrakech, designated by a green polygon. The map also includes photographs of Marrakech and Barcelona, as well as a video of "the changing of the guards" at Buckingham Palace.

There are potential pitfalls and consequences of neogeography. First of all, the maps being made are not regulated by professional cartographers and may be misleading or incorrect. It could be difficult or even impossible to know whether one of these maps comes from a reputable map maker or not. In addition, neogeography is limited in that one's map must be made in part by a previously made map or maps. Rather than being able to construct a map from scratch, only details and extraneous materials can be added to a previously existing map. This puts a limit on innovation and creativity. Despite its pitfalls, neogeography is still a clever way to create new, personalized maps.

Image source: http://www.tigminzaraba.com/Marrakech%20Square_1.jpg
Image Yahoo, 1:09 AM, Oct. 19th, 2010

Image source: http://uniglobecarefreetravel.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/barcelona_gaudi_1.jpg
Image Yahoo, 1:20 AM, Oct. 19th, 2010

Video source: http://www.youtube.com/v/aeopSUw-aWU"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aeopSUw-aWU
Youtube, 12:07 AM, Oct. 19th, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lab 2 Assignment

1. Beverly Hills
2. Canoga Park; Van Nuys; Burbank; Topanga; Hollywood; Venice; Inglewood
3. 1995
4. NAD 27 and the more updated, NAD 83, are the horizontal datum used to create this map. The national geodetic vertical datum of 1929 is the vertical datum used to create this map.
5. The scale of the map is 1:24,000
6. a. (5cm)(24,000)(1m/100cm) = 1,200 meters
b. (5in)(24,000)(1mile/63360in) = 1.89 miles
c. (1mile/24,000)(63360in/1mile) = 2.64 inches
d. (3km/24,000)(1000m/1km)(100cm/1m) = 12.5 centimeters
7. The contour interval is 20 feet.
8. a. (x/7.5 minutes) = (8.65cm/17.5cm)
x = 3.71 minutes
longitude = 118 degrees 30 minutes - 3.71 minutes = 118 degrees 26' 43''
(26/60)+(43/3600) + 118 = 118.45 decimal degrees
(x/7.5 minutes) = (8.4cm/13.9cm)
x = 4.53 minutes
latitude = 34 degrees + 4.53 minutes = 34 degrees 4' 32''
34+(4/60)+(32/3600) = 34.08 decimal degrees
34 deg 4' 32'' N, 118 deg 26' 43'' W
34.08 degrees N, 118.45 degrees W
b. (x/7.5 minutes) = (1.5cm/17cm)
x = 0.662 minutes
longitude = 118 degrees 30 minutes - 0.662 minutes = 118 degrees 29' 20''
(29/60)+(20/3600)+118 = 118.49 decimal degrees
(x/7.5 minutes) = (0.8cm/13.9cm)
x = 0.432
latitude = 34 degrees + 0.432 minutes = 34 degrees 0' 26''
34 + 0 + (26/3600) = 34.007 decimal degrees
34 deg 0' 26'' N, 118 deg 29' 20'' W
34.007 degrees N, 118.49 degrees W

c. (x/7.5 minutes) = (8.4cm/11.6cm)
x = 5.43 minutes
longitude = 118 degrees 30 minutes - 5.43 minutes = 118 degrees 24' 34''
(24/60)+(34/3600)+118 = 118.41 decimal degrees
(x/7.5 minutes) = (13.5/13.9cm)
x = 7.28 minutes
latitude = 34 + 7.28 minutes = 34 degrees 7' 17''
34 + (7/60) + (17/3600) = 34.12 decimal degrees
34 deg 7' 17'' N, 118 deg 24' 34'' W
34.12 degrees N, 118.41 degrees W

9. a. 580 feet
580 feet x 0.3048 meters/feet = 176.78 meters
b. 140 feet
140 feet x 0.3048 meters/feet = 42.67 meters
c. 700 feet
700 feet x 0.3048 meters/feet = 213.36 meters
10. This map is located in UTM zone 11.
11. 361500 meters (easting), 3763000 meters (northing)
12. (1000m)(1000m) = 1,000,000 meters squared, or 1 kilometer squared
14. 14 degrees
15. The water flows south.
16. UCLA
 Produced by the United States Geological Survey